

December 12, The Quotation of Imported Cotton Fell Slightly

On December 12, the quotation of China’s main port fell slightly. The international cotton price index (SM) was 98.47 cents/pound, down 0.15 cents/pound, equivalent to 17016 yuan/ton of general trade port delivery price (calculated at 1% tariff, the exchange rate was calculated at the middle rate of the Bank of China, the same below); The international cotton price index (M) was 96.82 cents/pound, down 0.19 cents/pound, equivalent to 16734 yuan/ton at the port of general trade.

The prices of main varieties on that day are as follows:

Among SM 1-1/8 ″ cotton, the quotation of American C/A cotton is 102.62 cents/pound (the same below), which is converted into 17726.33 yuan/ton (calculated by 1% tariff, the same below) at the port of general trade.

The quotation of American E/MOT cotton is 98.00 yuan, which is converted to RMB 16933.68 yuan/ton for general trade port delivery.

The quotation of Australian cotton is 96.75 yuan, which is equivalent to RMB 16,724.51 yuan/ton for general trade port delivery.

The price of Brazilian cotton is 101.30 yuan, which is equivalent to 17495.14 yuan/ton of general trade port delivery price.

The quotation of Uzbek cotton is 97.13 yuan, which is equivalent to RMB 16790.56 yuan/ton for general trade port delivery.

The quotation of West Africa cotton is 105.70 yuan, which is 18254.76 yuan/ton at the port of general trade.

The quotation of Indian cotton is 96.99 yuan, equivalent to 16768.55 yuan/ton for general trade port delivery.

The quotation of American E/MOT M 1-3/32 ″ cotton is 96.19 yuan/ton, equivalent to 16625.43 yuan/ton of general trade port delivery price.

Post time: Dec-14-2022